Doable at trainer level 30 with proper counters
HP | 3,600 | ATK | 125.61 | DEF | 169.85 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 988 - 1048 | Lvl 25 | 1235 - 1311 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Sunny / Clear, Fog, Cloudy | Sunny / Clear, Fog, Rain, Windy, Partly Cloudy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Hex | Intermediate |
Rock Smash | Intermediate |
Fire Spin | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Bone Club | Intermediate |
Fire Blast | Intermediate |
Shadow Ball | Challenging |
Flame Wheel | Easy |
October 31, 2020 Note:
This guide assumes that Alolan Marowak will be a Tier 3 boss for its Halloween raid day, as Tier 4 has been basically removed. However, this may not actually be the case. Even if it has the stats of a Tier 4 or higher, the counters on this page will not change, though some details definitely will.
What was once a difficult Tier 4 duo is now a fairly accessible Tier 3 solo. Dropping a tier has made Alolan Marowak a fairly interesting solo, as many of its counters are extremely viable all-around. As such, it's a decent solo for players to prepare for. Just note that it has very wide coverage between Rock Smash and its Ghost Type moves alone, as Fighting and Ghost have perfect coverage when put together, as no Pokemon in existence resists both of these types at the same time.
Team composition
Mega Gengar is remarkable, though Mega Houndoom generally brings better TDO to the table.
The big-name shadows tend to rule the graph, though Pokemon such as Rampardos are still extremely viable
The Pokemon on this list are the top counters and tend to have the most universal utility, but many other Pokemon are still viable for the solo
The ideal team is based on what moveset Alolan Marowak is packing. Mixing different resistances and weaknesses can make this solo far more viable
Dodging strategy
Glassy Pokemon (Rampardos, Gengar) may benefit from dodging
Note: "Good" movesets are not necessarily viable at the level indicated.
Best Raid Boss Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Highest DPS option by a wide margin; absurdly strong in this raid, especially when dodging
- Mega Evolution, provides an important buff to all similarly typed Pokemon on the field
- Good general accessibility. Species has been featured in multiple events, as a raid boss, in its own Community Day, and has been available since day 1
- Triple resists Rock Smash
- Weak to Ghost Type movesets and Bone Club
- Mega Evolution, requires Mega Energy to enable
- Best moveset is Elite

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Outstanding overall counter, has a great mix of DPS and TDO
- Mega Evolution, provides an important buff to all similarly typed Pokemon on the field
- Resists Fire and Ghost Type movesets
- Mega Evolution, requires Mega Energy to enable
- Weak to Rock Smash and Bone Club

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Highest non-Mega DPS option
- Resists Rock Smash
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and takes an event to remove Frustration
- Legendary Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain
- Weak to Ghost Type movesets
- Can be frail, appreciates dodging

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Outstanding DPS option, can help tremendously in this raid
- Resists Ghost Type movesets
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and takes an event to remove Frustration
- Weak to Fire Type movesets, double weak to Rock Smash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Water Gun | Hydro Cannon | Best |
Mud Shot | Hydro Cannon | Best |
- Great overall performer, hits very hard thanks to Hydro Cannon
- Resists Fire Type movesets
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and takes an event to remove Frustration
- Best moveset is Elite

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Best |
- Highest DPS among non-Shadow/non-Mega counters
- Resists Fire Type movesets
- Weak to Rock Smash and Bone Club

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
Bite | Stone Edge | Best |
Smack Down | Crunch | Good |
- Great overall counter, holds solid DPS and great TDO as well.
- Resists Fire and Ghost Type movesets
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and takes an event to remove Frustration
- Weak to Bone Club, double weak to Rock Smash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Waterfall | Hydro Pump | Good |
- Outstanding counter Vs. Fire Type movesets due to its resistance
- Legendary Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Great TDO option when not facing Ghost Type movesets with solid DPS as well
- Resists Fire Type movesets, double resists Smack Down
- Weak to Ghost Type movesets
- Legendary Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Dark Pulse | Best |
- Resists Ghost and Fire Type movesets
- Weak to Rock Smash
- Currently considered a fairly rare species

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Triple resists Rock Smash
- Weak to Ghost Type movesets and Bone Club

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Shadow Ball | Best |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Good |
- Resists Ghost Type movesets
- Weak to Rock Smash
- Mythical Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain and cannot be traded

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Slap | Rock Wrecker | Best |
Smack Down | Rock Wrecker | Best |
- Resists Fire Type movesets
- Best moveset is Elite
- Weak to Bone Club

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
Bite | Stone Edge | Best |
Smack Down | Crunch | Good |
- Resists Fire and Ghost Type movesets
- Weak to Bone Club, double weak to Rock Smash