Requires specific maxed out counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | 248.85 | DEF | 155.63 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2294 - 2387 | Lvl 25 | 2868 - 2984 |
Notable Weather
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Confusion | Challenging |
Psycho Cut | Easy |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Focus Blast | Easy |
Flamethrower | Intermediate |
Psychic | Challenging |
Ice Beam | Challenging |
Thunderbolt | Intermediate |
Mewtwo has long had the reputation of being a frighteningly Powerful Pokemon, and with good reason! On its release, even a low-IV Mewtwo could slot into most raids without having to worry about Super Effective damage. While it's lost some of its clout recently, it's still an outstanding Pokemon to raid for when it returns.
The biggest issue with the duo is likely to be how quickly teams drop due to its high damage. For this reason, a solid mix of high DPS and high TDO attackers is the recommended strategy. However, this becomes less of an issue given Mega and/or Weather boosts. The other issue is knowing just what Mewtwo will be using against you, as it has a very wide movepool to draw from, and has a few options to hit most of its counters fairly hard. Note that Mewtwo cannot use any Elite moves as a raid boss, so don't worry about facing Shadow Ball or Psystrike variants.
The trio is far, far easier. Given the right team comp, it should be a simple task to run.
Team composition
DPS is not going to be an issue given proper team comp, as many top counters surpass duo-level DPS easily. That said, TDO could be a problem, as Mewtwo hits very hard
Front-load glass cannons for maximum power, anchor with tanks to stay in the game
Mega Gengar's DPS is near solo-level after boosts. Despite the weakness to Psychic, it's amazingly powerful
Mega Gyarados has lower (still duo-viable) damage, but has the best TDO in the raid. Can be very helpful for beating down the final stretch
Try to stagger Mega Evolutions between players in order to keep the Mega Boosts active for as long as possible
Try to get your raid group to agree on team-type order. For example: if someone is leading with Mega Gengar, try to get the team to front-load Ghost Types in order to take advantage of its Mega boosts
Don't be afraid to use one of the two Dark Type Mega Evolutions over Mega Gengar if your raid group is mainly using Dark Types, as the boost will allow for higher total team DPS if timed correctly
Try to stagger team wipes so that the entire team doesn't drop at the same time, giving Mewtwo a chance to recover. If this becomes an issue, then a good strategy is to have one player back out after their 3rd Pokemon faints, heal up, and re-enter. This will help to ensure that one player is fighting at all times.
Dodging strategy
Some movesets may be very tight on time. A dodge that allows you to fire an extra charge or live to avoid relobby is key, but too many dodges will slow you down
Best Raid Boss Counters
Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Amazingly high DPS! After Mega Boosts, nears solo-level.
- Mega Evolution, grants whole-team damage boosts and increases Ghost Type attack damage while on the field.
- Since Ghost Types tend to have the highest DPS in this raid, a well timed Mega Gengar can allow the team to take gigantic chunks of HP off of the raid boss.
- Triple resists Focus Blast
- Mega Evolution, Mega Energy can be hard to obtain.
- Weak to Psychic Type movesets

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Top TDO option for this raid, able to stay alive for a prolonged period of time and still has solid DPS to back it up.
- Mega Evolution, grants whole-team damage boosts and increases Dark Type attack damage while on the field.
- Since Dark Types tend to have the highest TDO among the counters for this raid, Mega Gyarados is a great choice to stick at the back of a team in order to give the final push more power.
- Double resists Psychic Type movesets, resists Ice Beam and Flamethrower
- Mega Evolution, Mega Energy can be hard to obtain.
- Weak to Focus Blast and Thunderbolt

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Similar performance to Mega Gyarados, but trades some TDO for a bit of DPS
- Mega Evolution, grants whole-team damage boosts and increases Dark Type attack damage while on the field.
- Double resists Psychic Type movesets, resists Ice Beam and Flamethrower
- Mega Evolution, Mega Energy can be hard to obtain.
- Weak to Focus Blast

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Infestation | X-Scissor | Best |
- Mega Evolution, grants whole-team damage boosts and increases Bug Type attack damage while on the field.
- Nears Mega Gengar's performance in the rain
- Double-resists Focus Blast
- Mega Evolution, Mega Energy can be hard to obtain.
- Weak to Psychic Type movesets and Flamethrower
- Outside of weather boosts, has the lowest performance of any Mega Evolution, and its boosts are generally not valuable. Mega Beedrill is best used as a budget Mega option.
Counters Viable at Lv.30

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Top DPS counter of any Pokemon not named Mega Gengar
- Double-resists Psychic Type movesets, resists Ice Beam
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Double weak to Focus Blast, weak to Flamethrower

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Great mix of DPS/TDO for this fight
- Has no weaknesses in this raid
- Resists Psychic Type movesets and Focus Blast
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Legendary Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain
- Fast moves are resisted

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- The Great Wall. Giratina - Origin Forme boasts the highest TDO of all non-Mega counters in this raid while keeping solid DPS
- Resists Flamethrower and Thunderbolt, double resists Focus Blast
- Weak to Ice Beam
- Legendary Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Shadow Ball | Best |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
- Very solid overall counter, sports solid DPS and TDO.
- Double-resists Psychic Type movesets
- Mythical Pokemon, candy can be difficult to obtain and cannot be traded
- Weak to Focus Blast

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Performance is nearly identical to Darkrai on average
- Resists Flamethrower, double resists Psychic Type movesets
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Double weak to Focus Blast

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
- The best overall non-Shadow/Legendary/Mythical/Mega Pokemon for this raid
- Resists Flamethrower and Ice Beam, double resists Focus Blast
Counters Viable at Lv.35

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Resists Ice Beam and Flamethrower, double resists Psychic Type movesets
- Weak to Focus Blast
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Claw | Best |
- Double resists Focus Blast
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Triple resists Focus Blast
- Weak to Psychic Type movesets

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
- High damage potential, great for getting ahead of the clock
- Double resists Focus Blast
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Very frail, dodging is borderline mandatory for efficient use
Counters Viable at Lv.40

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
- Double resists Psychic Type movesets
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Very frail, dodging is borderline mandatory for efficient use
- Weak to Focus Blast

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Resists Focus Blast
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Frail, dodging is appreciated
- Generally only viable in Rainy weather and/or with Mega Beedrill active.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Fury Cutter | X-Scissor | Best |
- Resists Psychic Type movesets and Ice Beam
- Shadow Pokemon, expensive to raise and requires an event to remove Frustration
- Frail, dodging is appreciated
- Generally only viable in Rainy weather and/or with Mega Beedrill active.
- Double weak to Flamethrower