Tank counter...
So, first I want to say that I usually never put in tank counters since I get through with 6 mons most of the time. But now comes Mewtwo and in the gamepress list of counters there is no section for tank counters. Lugia and Snorlax are both listed as good counters, same as Hundoom and Scizor which probably are more like glasscounters I guess.
I have 2 Tyranitar maxed out, plan on powering up one Lugia (loved her in the main games), a bug Scizor, a bite Gyarados, a Gengar and 7 Dragonite (2 maxed out). Then I got a legacy ZH/BS Snorlax maxed. So the question is, since Lugia and Snorlax are listed first on “good counters“ if I should consider changing ZH to Lick to have two tankier options against Mewtwo or if one of those Dragonite will hold his own.
Thanks in advance!
I would highly recommend just to use your best attackers. Try this: Use your best lineup up(preferably glass canons) until the hp of the raid boss get to half. Quit, revive your team and rejoin. Even if your second team feints too, you can just stay in the lobby since you have done enough damage.
You don't need an anchor if you can quit and rejoin.
I don't want to quit and revive since with my phone it takes a lot of time. I want to stay alive for the whole fight while doing the maximum amount of damage. The 2 Tyranitars are set for non focus blast fights. For Focus Blast I will just take 6 Dragonites as I said. Now the question is which mons I use for the last 4 remaining slots.
I have:
Two DT/O Dragonite lvl 35,5
DT/O Gyarados lvl 35,5
B/HP Gyarados lvl 31,5
Double Bug Scizor lvl 31,5
Double Ghost Gengar lvl 31,5 (Hex)
Lugia lvl 31,5 (Moveset tbd)
Snorlax lvl 35,5 ZH/BS (change to lick if he would crack one of the 4 slots)
My phone is very slow too and takes me > 30 secs (usually 40-50) simply to rejoin...That being the case, I'd just go with the more tanky options honestly since you can't solo or duo Mewtwo anyways (I assume for most folks) so assuming if you, as a mid 30s trainer gets knocked out, so will all these level 25-30 folks that are there with you.
People hate a lot on lobby sitters, but honestly, I want everyone to just do it if it can get them balls for their work as well.
We can always redo the raid and if we all get knocked out, I'll just swap out much much earlier in the next run...it benefits everyone to get more balls when the boss is normally going down anyways...Or, for slow phone guys, swap out actually at 80% or 75% health. It's impossible to know now since I've raided with large groups and they were low level so even 10+ trainers on a simple bird gets me knocked out...
LOW LOW LOW level trainers will never do enough damage anyways to get damage balls so if anything, it makes more sense for them to keep rejoining IMO.
I've literally seen a trainer with 1 battle in a raid before.
You should still bring Tyranitar BC Tyranitars against FB Mewtwos. You have no problem against bringing a Gengar which has even less survivability but you won't bring a Tyranitar?
Tyranitar still does great DPS against Mewtwo and will definitely survive enough Confusions to tank a Focus Blast unlike Gengar.
Personally I wouldn't bring one with Stone Edge because it could faint before getting it off, but Crunch I would, just think of it like a glass cannon.