Raid Boss Buff???
I can't solo Machamp. This is my 5th Machamp solo and only failed one. I used the same squad everytime and always have like 10 seconds left (always won on first try) and this time the best i got it down to 5%hp and worst is 25% left (4 tries). All time out.
Machamp moveset is C/CC. I've won before with this moveset.
Dragonite-lvl 39 DB/Hu
Dragonite-lvl39 DT/Hu
Aka - lvl 39 PS/FS
Gengar lvl 39 SC/SB
Egg lvl 39 C/P
This will wipe my thin raid ability and I'm in a town with 25 gyms and umpteen stops.
I was skipping a raid tonight when I got a notification that 8 raidmates couldn't take down a Tyranitar. The alert uped our group to 11 and we did it.
If what I'm reading is correct about scaling then all raids will be private among lv 30+ players with optimal mons. All lower players (typically folks children here) will not be allowed anymore. But honestly it will just all fall off in no time.
Let's hope this is just a glitch. But seriously, what about the folks that just built 3* solo teams? No warning just thousands in dust wasted?
What a mess if it holds up.
Agreed. This impacts everybody. But rural players were already struggling to even attempt a level 4, let alone have a consistent 8-person team as you had.
As somebody who is part of a 200+ person discord who never struggled to find a raid team for any level 3 or 4, I still feel mostly for the rural player.
As for the dust waste? I feel for them as well, but that's part of the game unfortunately. Move re-balancing did the same thing to many of my collection.
They have been slowly watering down raids. First, TMs got much rarer. Then, bosses started jumping much more during the bonus, and now the raids are harder (unless it is temporary for go fest).
On the plus side, this may prevent everyone from having an army of t-Rex's and put some grinding back in the game.