Poke Coins: do you get Coins for all days defending Gym OR only for the day Defending Pokemon returned???
If you defend a Gym for 2 1/2 days and your Defending Pokemon is returned to you on the 3rd day::
1- Do you only get the maximum 50 Coins for the day your Pokemon was returned (3rd day)? Which means the two prior days receive (when 'stuck' in the Gym) only earned hours while defending that Gym for those two prior days BUT NO Coins for those two prior days. ???
2- Does Niantic total the number of hours earned for the 2 1/2 days and give 50 Coins for each day?? ( 1 Coin per 10 minutes and the maximum Coins per day 50 Coins (8.2 hours)).
Niantic stated Coins are only rewarded on the day a Defending Pokemon is returned to the Trainer. Do you only receive Coins earned for the day your Pokemon is returned? Are only the Coins (minutes/hours) earned on the day returned counted and not the prior day's earned hours/Coins???
Hopefully someone has the correct answer.
Since you can't control when a Pokemon gets kicked out, if you want coins every day it helps to control multiple gyms with 8+ hours per Poke. I was away and barely played this weekend, but since I had Pokemon in 5 gyms I got coins both yesterday and today. But it's all luck - sometimes you get all your Pokes returned same day, sometimes they get spread out.
Living in a big city allows you to get many gyms in a few hours and you don't have to worry about collecting on the next few days. Today and yesterday i collected rewards from gyms i was defending since friday. I'm in around 10 gyms now, and i don't have to worry about monday or tuesday, but i will try to enter in gyms anyway because its fun