Doable at trainer level 30 with optimized counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | 198.30 | DEF | 154.10 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2018 - 2104 | Lvl 25 | 2522 - 2630 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Fog, Windy, Partly Cloudy | Fog, Rain |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Psycho Cut | Easy |
Confusion | Challenging |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Rock Blast | Intermediate |
Power Gem | Intermediate |
Night Slash | Intermediate |
Necrozma is currently a Pokemon with no utility, but a huge amount of potential. For this reason, it's definitely recommended to farm a few while it's around! Necrozma actually isn't terribly threatening, all-in-all. Its moves generally aren't a huge deal for most of its counters, though some of the big-name Ghosts can have issues.
Team composition
The types that counter Necrozma are Ghost, Dark, and Bug.
Ghost Types tend to have the top DPS in many cases, but are also glass cannons that can drop pretty quickly if facing the wrong moveset.
The top Dark Types are arguably the best all-around options here, sporting a tremendous mix of DPS and TDO that can make this raid a breeze.
Bugs are more fillers than anything else, as most of the best Bugs fall behind by a large margin.
Battling strategy
- Ghosts in particular will probably want to dodge, mostly against Night Slash. Most other counters will be fine without doing much dodging.
Raid Counter Search String
If you want to make finding the best counters for this raid as simple as possible, click on the button below to copy a Search String to your clipboard. Pasting this in the search bar in Pokemon Go will show a list of all of the Pokemon featured in this article to make building your strongest possible raid team a bit easier.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Mega Gengar is the DPS king against Necrozma, hitting extremely hard to knock of huge amounts of HP with every hit. However, this is yet another case where Mega Gengar faces potential issues, as it really doesn't appreciate facing down Confusion and/or Night Slash.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Psycho Cut, Confusion, Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
Mega Tyranitar may very well be the overall top counter to Necrozma. While its DPS is substantially behind Mega Gengar, its tremendous TDO and great resistances means it's an absolute tank of a Pokemon that's able to trash Necrozma with ease.
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: None
Good Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Mega Banette is pretty much Mega Gengar lite, sporting lower average DPS and TDO in most cases. However, it's still a decent backup Ghost Type Mega Evolution that can put in decent work if needed.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mega Houndoom is a mixed bag against Necrozma. It has great resistances to most of our favorite black prism's attacks, but it's also weak to its Rock Type moves, meaning its performance is greatly moveset-dependent.
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast, Power Gem

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
Mega Absol largely falls behind the Dark Type competition, but it's a good backup option.
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Struggle Bug | Megahorn | Best |
Mega Heracross is generally the top Mega bug for this raid, although it genuinely fears Confusion. It's not the best option, but it can be a good choice in Rainy weather and/or if your raid group is heavily invested in Bug Types.
- Strengths: Night Slash
- Weaknesses: Psycho Cut, Confusion
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
Shadow Tyranitar does not like going down. Sporting high DPS and tremendous TDO, it's pretty hard to compete with Shadow Tyranitar in terms of raw average power. Its DPS isn't quite on a par with the big-name Shadow Ghosts, but it's still capable of competing.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Chandelure is an outstanding counter here, but it's also really glassy. This is primarily due to the fact that it's weak to all of Necrozma's Charged Moves, which puts it at a potential disadvantage in literally every raid that it attends. However, its DPS is high enough to easily warrant its place on any raid team.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast, Power Gem, Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Gengar is basically interchangeable with Shadow Chandelure in this raid. While it isn't weak to all of Necrozma's Charged Moves, it is weak to all of Necrozma's Fast Moves. In particular, it will tend to fall behind Shadow Chandelure if Necrozma is packing Confusion, but will tend to pull ahead a bit if Necrozma is using Psycho Cut. Regardless, you really can't go wrong with Shadow Gengar.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Psycho Cut, Confusion, Night Slash
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
While substantially glassy despite its Dark typing, Shadow Weavile still does good work. Just note that its weakness to Necrozma's Rock Type moves can genuinely leave it lacking.
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast, Power Gem

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Mewtwo remains one of the most consistent generalist counters, and here it is yet again. While these two Pokemon resist one another's Fast Moves, Shadow Mewtwo can still put in great numbers with Shadow Ball, even if Necrozma has Night Slash.
- Strengths: Psycho Cut, Confusion
- Weaknesses: Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Banette is glassy and easily overlooked, but it does the job as a good DPS Ghost Type attacker.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
Another Dark Type that is surprisingly glassy here in general, Shadow Honchkrow is still a sold attacker that puts in the work.
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast, Power Gem

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Pheromosa is the top DPS option among the main Bug counters, but oh boy is it glassy. The best that Pheromosa can hope for is facing Psycho Cut/Night Slash, and even then it won't stay alive for an extremely long time. Still, it has worthy performance in the rain, at least.
- Strengths: Night Slash
- Weaknesses: Psycho Cut, Confusion

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
One of the old-school vanguards of the anti-Psychic team, Gengar still puts in work despite its weakness to Psycho Cut and Confusion alike.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Psycho Cut, Confusion, Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
As is the case with their shadow formes, Gengar and Chandelure are pretty close to one another, with movesets playing a large role in which of the two is better in general.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast, Power Gem, Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast, Power Gem

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x)
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Shadow Ball | Best |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Good |
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
- Strengths: Psycho Cut (2x), Confusion (2x), Night Slash
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Volcarona is pretty risky here due to its double-weakness to Rock Type attacks.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Rock Blast (2x), Power Gem (2x)

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Astonish | Shadow Ball | Best |
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
Strengths: Psycho Cut, Confusion, Rock Blast, Power Gem
Weaknesses: Night Slash

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Force | Best |
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Night Slash