
From A To Zygarde - Catching Zygarde in Pokemon Go

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While not a Mythical Pokemon, Zygarde's 10% forme is available via the From A to Zygarde Research Line. A member of the legendary trio of Kalos, Zygarde transforms into its 50% and 100% formes via the Zygarde Cube and Zygarde Cells, both of which become available through this research line.

This research line apparently lacks a hard requirement to actually start.

This Research Line not only gives players access to Zygarde 10%, it also grants the Zygarde Cube at the same time, which is an item that can allow players to collect Zygarde Cells and transform their Zygarde 10% into its 50% and Complete formes. The line focuses heavily on Routes, and is overall pretty easy to do.

Event Research

From A to Zygarde

Step 1

Task Reward
Walk 1 km
catch 10 Pokemon
Use 5 Berries to Help Catch Pokemon

Step 2

Task Reward
Make 5 Great Throws
Power Up Pokemon 5 Times
Hatch an Egg

Step 3

Task Reward
Claim Reward!
Claim Reward!
Claim Reward!

Step 4

Task Reward
Follow 3 Routes
Catch 20 Pokemon while Following Routes
Find a Zygarde Cell

Step 5

Task Reward
Use an Incense while following a Route
Earn 3 Candies Walking your Buddy
Follow 5 Routes

Step 6

Task Reward
Claim Reward
Claim Reward
Claim Reward