The issue in PMG is that Super Effective and Same Type Bonus are identical.
So Ursaring with Fighting has exactly the same modifier as Flareon, or Vaperon, or Eggy for attacking Blissey or Snorlax.
However, Counter and Close Combat are both good moves. And Urasaring has good stats
Take Flareon vs Urasaring
Fire Spin 20 Counter 20.8 (including SE)
OH 61.75 CC 64.675 (Including SE)
((And when you factor in FS does slightly more Energy gets balanced by OH has a longer cooldown so the raw numbers dont change much)
Urasaring will do slightly more damage to Blissey/Snoralx than Flareon will.
And Survival Wise since I dodge I tend to value HPs over Defense. So it will survive more.