
Ursaring Counter/Close Combat

I'm level 31 and I evolved a level 26 73% IV Ursaring with double fighting moves. I don't have any decent fighting pokemon (machops are rare around here). My question is whether it's worth powering this guy up to counter snorlax/blissey. My current best counters are a variety of eggys, vapes, flareons, and rhydons all ranging from 2300-2800 CP. Thoughts?

Asked by dantheman25877 years 10 months ago


by Arak2 7 years 11 months ago

The issue in PMG is that Super Effective and Same Type Bonus are identical.

So Ursaring with Fighting has exactly the same modifier as Flareon, or Vaperon, or Eggy for attacking Blissey or Snorlax.

However, Counter and Close Combat are both good moves. And Urasaring has good stats

Take Flareon vs Urasaring
Fire Spin 20 Counter 20.8 (including SE)
OH 61.75 CC 64.675 (Including SE)
((And when you factor in FS does slightly more Energy gets balanced by OH has a longer cooldown so the raw numbers dont change much)

Urasaring will do slightly more damage to Blissey/Snoralx than Flareon will.

And Survival Wise since I dodge I tend to value HPs over Defense. So it will survive more.


Definitely not worth your dust, for me it's a no brainer question, with the IV being that low, you should not have even evolved the teddiursa to begin with. Keep using Exeggutor and Rhydon against blissey like you always do. They have good attack stats and enough bulk to tank blissey's quick moves, you don't need dodging against blissey except for her charged moves after all. Flareons are too squishy to attack high cp blissey unless you plan to let your flareon die in honor after dealing as much dps as it could and Vapes might lack the dps to finish high lvl blissey in time. Personally I never dodge against blissey except the charged moves since defeating her in time is a concern


I'd just use your Ursaring as is.

I evolved a lower IV (for me(80%)) Machop and got Counter/Close Combat and it does just fine at level 25. It's also nicer that his CP is lower in cases where you need to prestige against a 2400+ CP Blissey.

You will die each time against high CP Blisseys, but timeout isn't a concern. Paired with my C/SoB Exeggutor, no Blissey is a problem anymore (at least in terms of timeout). Usually, I will charge up a SoB with Eggs prior to Blissey, then unleash it and only dodge the quick moves after. Usually have about 30 secs left for Machamp to clean up I think.

If you have a good Egg, his DPS is high enough to knock out Blissey normally and will resist Zen Headbutt.


Hey I want to ask in this same thread. I just got a Ursaring (I evolved) 95% Counter/Play Rough. 1300+ CP ATM. No powered up. Should I do it?


try to max your rhydon best counter specially rhydon with mudslap stone edge high dps or rocksmach and stone edge both great counter against blissey


Candy is an issue there. I chose to evolve a second rhydon (2450 CP) over powering the first one more (2350). Also, I'm walking to complete my pokedex, so add the candies come naturally I'm powering them up. Plus, both have EQ, one with MS and one with RS.
