The subject for our March 2021 Community Day has been confirmed, and this time around we can look forward to... Fletchling.
Event Start | Event End | Special Move | Bonus |
11:00 a.m. local time | 5:00 p.m. local time | Incinerate | 3x Catch XP |
The Community Day move for Talonflame will be Incinerate, one of the strongest Fire Type fast moves for both PvP and PvE... and also the absolute slowest move in the game.
Also available will be the traditional 1,280 Pokecoin bundle, this time including an Elite Fast TM. Players will also be able to join the normal special research line for this Community Day for a cost of $1. But what's the name of this special research line?
The Bravest Bird
Players who enjoyed Generation 6 of the main series will know the reference here. If you don't play the main series, then this may seem a bit convoluted, so we'll explain a few terms along the way for the uninitiated:
Back when X and Y were released, it was quickly discovered that Talonflame had a Hidden Ability (abilities are passive powers that change how a Pokemon operates, and a Hidden Ability is one that's rare/hard to obtain. They're somewhat similar to Elite Moves) named Gale Wings. Gale Wings had the effect of allowing Talonflame's flying type moves to always go first (the main series is turn-based, and the Speed stat of a Pokemon normally determines which side attacks first). This effect was very frequently paired with the attack Brave Bird, which had very high power, meaning Talonflame could take the field and absolutely ignore the speed of anything that didn't have a move that also had priority. This made it a defining Pokemon of the generation, and had people frequently refer to Talonflame as the bravest bird.
While this Community Day may not be the most exciting, kudos to Niantic for this fun little reference.
Image Credit: Cheezeburger Network
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The featured Pokémon for March Community Day will be Fletchling, the Tiny Robin Pokémon!
Date + Time
Saturday, March 6, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time
- Fletchling will be appearing more frequently in the wild. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!
- Evolve Fletchinder (the evolved form of Fletchling) during the event or up to two hours afterward to get a Talonflame that knows Incinerate.
- Take a few snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!
- There’ll be a special one-time-purchase Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins, featuring 50 Ultra Balls, five Lucky Eggs, a Poffin, and an Elite Fast TM.
- For US$1 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access the Fletchling Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, The Bravest Bird.
Stay tuned for when tickets for the The Bravest Bird Special Research story go live! Tickets are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Please note that this Special Research will not include an in-game medal.
- 3× Catch XP
- Incense activated during the event will last for three hours
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—The Pokémon GO team