
Mega Charizard Y Raid Duo Guide

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Tier 4 Raid Boss Guides
HP9,000 ATK241.00 DEF164.40
CP Range
Lvl 20 2449 - 2546 Lvl 25 3061 - 3182

Notable Weather

Boosts Boss's Moves Boosts Counters' Moves
Sunny / Clear, Windy Rain, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy

Fast Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Fire Spin Easy
Air Slash Easy

Charge Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Dragon Claw Challenging
Fire Blast Easy
Overheat Intermediate


Mega Charizard Y is a flying nuke of a Pokemon. It hits very hard, which can make TDO an issue if not managed via the proper counters. Luckily, many of the top DPS-counters for this raid also sport great resistances and defenses, making this far less of an issue than it seems. If managed correctly, Mega Charizard Y could be the easiest of the starting Mega Raids.


  • Mega Charizard Y is weak to Rock, Water, and Electric.
    • Forget that Mega Charizard Y is weak to Water and Electric, just stick with Rock. Compound strong Pokemon with a target Pokemon that has a double-weakness to that type, and you've got the perfect storm 
    • Electric is objectively worse in this raid.
    • So is Water. Just throw rocks.

Battling Strategy

  • The ideal Charged Move to fight against is Fire Blast
  • If fainting out, dodge more. If running out of time, dodge less.

Best Raid Boss Counters

Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Diancie Mega Diancie
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Charizard Y can do almost nothing to Mega Diancie. This thing resists everything that everyone's favorite not-a-dragon can throw at it, and has the highest DPS of any counter that's not determined to break its skull on Mega Charizard Y.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Dragon Claw (2x), Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Mega Tyranitar Mega Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

If Mega Diancie doesn't care what Mega Charizard Y does to it, then Mega Tyranitar isn't even aware of this fire-lizard's existence. This monster has tremendous TDO that outlasts everything in the game, and its DPS is great to back that raw power up.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None

Good Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Aerodactyl Mega Aerodactyl
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

While it isn't quite the best rock on the block, Mega Aerodactyl is a great backup.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Mega Rayquaza Mega Rayquaza
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Please, please don't TM away Dragon Ascent for Ancient Power. Mega Rayquaza is solid here, but it's definitely not worth such a tremendous cost!

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: Dragon Claw
Mega Aggron Mega Aggron
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Aggron has lost its Rock typing, but it can still hit hard despite a lack of STAB.... even though it's weak to Fire now.

  • Strengths: Air Slash, Dragon Claw
  • Weaknesses: Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Overheat

Supreme Counters

shadow_rampardos Shadow Rampardos
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Ramparados is an incoming asteroid, streaking across the sky with the sole goal of bringing about the extinction of a certain flaming reptile.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
shadow-rhyperior Shadow Rhyperior
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The hulking TDO/DPS mix itself, Shadow Rhyperior causes heavy damage to Mega Charizard Y and lasts a very, very long time.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None

Good Counters

Rampardos Rampardos
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

While not quite as much of an extinction-level event as its Shadow, Ramparados still does heavy damage.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow-Gigalith Shadow Gigalith
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

A bit overlooked, Shadow Gigalith is a very strong Rock Type with a great mix of DPS and TDO. It's hard to go wrong when adding it to your team.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
ShadowTyranitar Shadow Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

One of the once-and-former kings of the Rock Type, Shadow Tyranitar has fallen off a bit in the face of the tremendously powerful Shadows that it directly competes with. However, it's still an outstanding Pokemon that puts in great DPS and TDO alike.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Rhyperior Rhyperior
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

An old-fashioned Rock titan, Rhyperior still has the muscle to counter Mega Charizard Y pretty hard.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Terrakion Terrakion
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Terrakion's Fighting sub-type means that it loses Rock's resistance to Air Slash, but it's still fine.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
tyrantrum Tyrantrum
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating


  • Strengths: Fire Spin (2x), Air Slash, Fire Blast (2x), Overheat (2x)
  • Weaknesses: None
aggron Shadow Aggron
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Aggron doesn't resist Mega Charizard Y's Fire Type moves, so its average performance tends to fall off. Still, at least it double-resists Air Slash and resists Dragon Claw as well, so that's... something?

  • Strengths:  Air Slash (2x), Dragon Claw
  • Weaknesses: None
ShadowOmastar Shadow Omastar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Omastar has one of the best possible typings to counter Mega Charizard Y, but its damage output is a little bit lackluster.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin (2x), Air Slash, Fire Blast (2x), Overheat (2x)
  • Weaknesses: None
Gigalith Gigalith
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
aero Shadow Aerodactyl
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Aerodactyl has good DPS, but its TDO is one of the lowest among Mega Charizard Y's top counters, on average.

  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow_Alolan_Golem Shadow Alolan Golem
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow-Golem Shadow Golem
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Tyranitar Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Fire Spin, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Overheat
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow Hippowdon Shadow Hippowdon
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: None
  • Weaknesses: None

Raid Graph