
Mega Evolution Officially Released in Pokemon Go!

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Article by Brian Tein

The wait that started as a whisper when Ampharos was given Dragon Pulse during its Community Day way back in 2017 is finally over! Mega Evolutions are here at long last!

What We Know

  • Only a handful of Pokemon can mega evolve currently: Beedrill, Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur.
  • Mega Evolution takes Mega Energy to perform. Mega Energy is farmed from the new Mega Raids that have been released along-side this system
  • Completing Mega Raids quickly will render more Mega Energy. Note that we are currently working on releasing Mega Raid guides!
  • Mega Evolution has an initial cost to unlock. Once unlocked, future Mega Evolutions cost half the energy for that individual Pokemon.
  • Once mega evolved, a Pokemon will stay transformed for a set period of time before reverting back to normal. During this period, the Mega Evolved Pokemon can be used for all basic functions that a normal Pokemon can perform save entering Go Battle League and defending gyms
  • Shadow Pokemon and the Clone Starters cannot mega evolve! Sadly, we can't raise our clone Pokemon from a previous event.
  • A new Special Research is now available that focuses on Mega Beedrill in particular

A Mega Discovery

For most of us, our first taste of Mega Evolution will come from Mega Beedrill and its place in the latest special reasearch line: A Mega Discovery. Based on current reports from Reddit, this is what it entails:

Mega Evolution Events

We also have a number of events that focus on Mega Evolution on the way!

  • September 1-7, an event that focuses on completing Mega Raids
  • September 11-17, an event that focuses on completing battles such as raid battles and Rocket Battles with Mega Evolved Pokemon
  • September 22-28, an event that focuses on making buddies with your Mega Evolved Pokemon

Keep an eye on our event list for more details as they're released!

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About the Author(s)

Gamepress Pokemon Go site lead with a focus on theorycrafting and gameplay optimization and a background in business management and freelance writing.  A bit of a hermit, but also an outdoors enthusiast who loves cycling and hiking. Long-time Gamepress fan who is very proud to be a part of the team.
