
Mega Alakazam Raid Duo Guide

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Tier 3 Raid Boss Guides

Doable at trainer level 30 with optimized counters or weather boost

CP Range
Lvl 20 2475 - 2577 Lvl 25 3094 - 3221

Notable Weather

Boosts Boss's Moves Boosts Counters' Moves
Sunny / Clear, Fog, Windy, Cloudy Fog, Rain

Fast Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Confusion Challenging
Psycho Cut Easy

Charge Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Focus Blast Intermediate
Future Sight Intermediate
Shadow Ball Intermediate
Fire Punch Challenging


Mega Alakazam hits like a missile. This thing's entire schtick is that it has one of the highest Attack stats in the game, and also some great coverage with its various moves. Add to that the fact that its bulk is naturally skewed towards its Defense, and you've got a power-house attacker that can definitely pose a threat.


Team composition

  • Mega Alakazam is weak to Ghost, Dark, and Bug.
    • Dark is arguably the best choice here, as many of the top Dark Types tend to stand atop the counter-list with a great mix of DPS and TDO. Add to this the fact that Dark's biggest fear from Mega Alakazam is Focus Blast, which is a fairly easy to dodge move, and  it should be pretty obvious that packing strong Dark Types is a great move here.
    • Ghost is a bit under-powered compared to the top Dark Types, but it's still very much a worthy competitor to Dark. Depending on the moveset, many Ghosts have the potential to out-class even the top Dark Types, and their complimentary strength/weakness profile means that a mix of Ghosts and Dark Types is definitely an optimal strategy.
    • Bug is definitely the weakest option here. The top Bug Type Mega Evolutions are the apex of the type, and they are pretty glassy in this raid. Add to that the fact that even the best non-Mega bugs are actually pretty mediocre, and it's pretty easy to see that Bug is more a "only use if you have no other options" type.

Battling strategy

  • Dodging is definitely recommended against Mega Alakazam's one-bar moves, as they can potentially cripple even Pokemon that resist them thanks to its high Attack stat.

Note: "Good" movesets are not necessarily viable at the level indicated.

Best Raid Boss Counters

Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Alakazam Mega Alakazam
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Gengar is the DPS counter for this raid. This thing hits like a truck, and quickly drops Mega Alakazam's HP with ease. However, it's got some major worries from Future Sight and Shadow Ball, not to mention a 50/50 chance that it will encounter Confusion, which will drop its HP very quickly, while even Psycho Cut hurts a fair bit. On the bright side, it does triple-resist Focus Blast.

  • Strengths: Focus Blast (3x)
  • Wekanesses: Confusion, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Shadow Ball
Mega Tyranitar Mega Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

While Mega Gengar takes the DPS medal, Mega Tyranitar takes the gold in TDO. Its Dark/Rock typing makes it extremely resilient against most of what Mega Alakazam can throw at it while tossing back large amounts of damage. However, it's also likely to drop to a single, non-dodged Focus Blast.

  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast (2x)

Good Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Houndoom Mega Houndoom
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Houndoom has a great resistance set to this raid, fearing only Focus blast. However, it's still basically a worse Shadow Tyranitar.

  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast
Mega Banette Mega Banette
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Despite lacking a Psychic Type weakness, Mega Banette's TDO is close to Mega Gengar on average, but with substantially lower DPS. It's not objectively bad, but it's definitely a weaker option.

  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x)
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball
Mega Absol Mega Absol
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The least impressive of the viable Dark and/or Ghost Type Mega Evolutions, Mega Absol is a decent stop-gap at best.

  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast 

Supreme Counters

ShadowTyranitar Shadow Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Tyranitar is the full package, boasting DPS and TDO alike. There are very few situations where this titan isn't the optimal pick, and all of those situations involve Focus Blast. Even then, it still puts in great work with just a bit of dodging.

  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast (2x)
shadow_chandelure Shadow Chandelure
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Chandelure is the big-name ghost for this raid. It hits very hard, and has a solid set of resistances that allow it to compliment Shadow Tyranitar extremely well. 

  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x), Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball

Good Counters

Blacephalon Blacephalon
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Blacephalon is basically budget Shadow Chandelure. It can't quite reach the big-name Ghost's numbers, but it's still good good in-and-of itself.

  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x), Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball
shadow-gengar Shadow Gengar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Gengar hits very hard, rivaling even Shadow Chandelure. However, its weakness profile makes it a bit risky. Still, it racks up damage fast enough to be worth a team slot, even if it only lasts for a few seconds...

  • Strengths: Confusion, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Shadow Ball
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast (3x)
ShadowWeavile Shadow Weavile
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Weavile is pretty frail, and may even drop to Focus Blast if it manages to score a dodge with just a bit of prior damage. Still, it's got some great resistances that can artificially boost its bulk quite a bit.

  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast (2x), Fire Punch
Shadow Mewtwo Shadow Mewtwo
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Mewtwo has the advantage of resisting Mega Alakazam's Psychic Type moves and Focus Blast, giving it a niche alongside other top counters as a safe choice against most movesets.

  • Strengths: Confusion, Psycho Cut, Focus Blast, Future Sight
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball
Shadow-Honchkrow Shadow Honchkrow
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball
  • Weaknesses: None
ShadowBanette Shadow Banette
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x)
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball
Chandelure Chandelure
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x), Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball
Hydreigon Hydreigon
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast 
ShadowHoundoom Shadow Houndoom
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast 
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x)
  • Weaknesses: Confusion, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Shadow Ball
Tyranitar Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast 
Shadow Absol Shadow Absol
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion (2x), Psycho Cut (2x), Future Sight (2x), Shadow Ball
  • Weaknesses: Focus Blast
Gholdengo Gholdengo
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball, Fire Punch
Pinsir Shadow Pinsir
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast
  • Weaknesses: Fire Punch
hoopa Hoopa (Confined)
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Confusion, Psycho Cut, Focus Blast (3x), Future Sight
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball (2x)
Volcarona Volcarona
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow Salamence Shadow Salamence
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
Bite Fly Best
  • Strengths: Focus Blast, Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: None
Giratina Origin Forme Pokemon GO Giratina (Origin Forme)
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Focus Blast (2x), Fire Punch
  • Weaknesses: Shadow Ball

Raid Graph