Community Day is always an exciting time in Pokemon Go; a chance to laser-focus your efforts and work reliably towards a main goal. And with Niantic's recent pushes towards re-fostering an actual in-person raid community, the fact that we have a more raid-centric spotlight Pokemon in Haxorus, one of the iconic Generation 5/Unova Dragons, is nice as well. Long has Axew been one of the rare Pokemon that we only see on occasion, and long has Haxorus been a Pokemon with untapped Potential, forming a family that's always on the brink of greatness. Well, it's finally time to fix both of those issues, as Axew Community Day is here, and Haxorus is ready for its grand rise!
Basic Info and Overview
- 2x Catch Candy
- 3x Catch XP
- 2x XL Candy Odds for players Lv.31+
- 3 hour Incense and Lures
- +1 Special Trade for the day
- Snapshots will result in a limited number of Axew Photobombs
- Drastically increased spawns for the Pokemon Axew with increased shiny rate
- Themed Field Research “Catch 3 Axew” for balls, berries, and Stardust
- All Fraxure evolved during Community Day hours learn the exclusive move Breaking Swipe!
- Charged TMs and learning a New Move will not give you this exclusive move
- Must evolve a Fraxure during CD in your region (or up to two hours after)
- Have a stable internet connection and consider doing a test evolve, as Niantic acknowledges server issues can and do happen during CD, yet refuses to compensate/correct this known issue.
Event Start | Event End | Event Move Window End |
2:00 p.m. local time | 5:00 p.m. local time | 10:00 p.m. local time |
Getting Ready for Community Day Overview!
Don’t forget to also prepare for your local real-world weather and everything that comes along with that. Make sure that you and anyone with you is ready with appropriate/comfortable clothing, snacks, drinks, and everything else that you will need to keep going for as long as you feel is needed. Community Day is a full 5 hours, so pace yourself and take breaks to not get burnt out.
Most importantly, keep it fun!
This guide will cover all of the in-game knowledge you’ll need to make the most out of Axew Community Day.
Should I Buy The Ticket?
The ticket for this event will grant players access to a few bonuses via the Special Research Line, but arguably the most valuable bonus is the ability to encounter a few Axew via research with a 10/10/10 IV floor. In general it's best to make this purchase if you're scouring for a high-IV individual.
Before the Event
- Decide where to play
- Make sure that you have all of the supplies and are fully prepared to go out hunting for Pokemon for several hours
- In particular, a Go Plus or equivalent device can be hugely beneficial for Community Day proceedings
- If you intend to use one, then remember to Check your Go Plus settings in-app before the event! If you want to check every Pokemon manually, then set it to only hit Pokestops/Gyms to make item farming easier
- Get your items ready
- Set reminder alarms
- Research the Exclusive Move to see how valuable it is
- We’ve got you covered, as we talk about Breaking Swipe Haxorus just a few sections below this one
- Review additional ways to acquire the Community Day Pokemon (Raids, Research, Eggs, and Rocket Battles), try to catch high-IV individuals before the event in order to make the proceedings as stress-free as possible
- Determine if you need Candy for the Community Day Pokemon, and use Pinap Berries accordingly.
- Remember; low-CP Pokemon are easier to catch, so using Pinap Berries on any lightweights that you may encounter may be a good idea if you’re gathering candy.
During the Event
- Use your items and set Lures as soon as the event begins.
- Snap up every Axew that you see and keep on the move!
- Make note of any Four-Star Fraxure Raids that you find along your journey, especially as the event nears its close.
- Quickly hit up Pokestops for items and Research, turn in your research ASAP in order to make room for more.
After the Event
- Appraise everything
- Find a trading partner
- Evolve your Pokemon
- Start preparing for the next event!
Where to Play
Axew spawns will be dramatically increased everywhere during the duration of this event. You aren’t required to play anywhere specifically, but here are some tips for getting the most out of the location you choose:
Time Travel
Since this event is 2PM-5PM based on local time, those lucky enough to be near a timezone shift in some parts of the world can take advantage by starting an hour earlier or ending an hour later. Start East then make your way West sometime after the first hour. This shouldn’t affect most players but can be a nice bonus to players willing to travel a little more during CD. Remember to stay West as you evolve for the exclusive move.
Exploring the Community
Use Community Day, and Pokemon Go in general, as an excuse to explore local areas. If you’re blessed with multiple, good locations, make use of them throughout various Community Days!
Playing with Friends
Community Day should be about the community; both the area and your local PoGo Players. Get together with friends, find your local group using Campfire, or be the first in your area to create a group. If you see other trainers in your gyms, that means that others are out playing! More trainers means more fun, and Lure Modules appear for all players, so you can all share the increased spawns. Returning and new players- ask around and figure out where established players are planning to play!
Clusters and Lures
If you want to catch the most Pokemon, focus on cluster spawns in areas with lots of network traffic such as parking lots and apartment complexes and high Pokestop dense areas that can be easily Lured up.
Pursuing weather-boosted Community Day Pokemon grant you higher CP, so it’s advised to hunt in areas forecasted to have a weather that will result in a boost if possible, unless your goal happens to be PvP IVs. This comes with decreased catch rates, but is offset in Stardust gained and saved from catching weather boosted Pokemon. Pay attention to official weather reports as well as other trainers playing in different level 11 S2 cells (in-game weather boundaries).
Weather boosted Pokemon have an IV floor of 4/4/4. This means their IV spreads are more likely to be better for PvE, but less likely/impossible to result in good PvP IVs.
Items To Bring
0-6 Star Pieces
For Stardust-Boosting Community Days, a Starpiece is an absolute must. For non-boosting Community Days, the additional gains may still be worth the price for sheer volume of catches alone.
0-7 Incense
Having 6 Incense will let you crack open one every 30 minutes and make it last the entirety of the event. How many Incense you choose to use depends on availability, meta-relevancy, and rarity of the featured Pokemon. Remember to bring more if you intend to hit Four-Star raids to artificially extend the Community Day spawns beyond the normal window.
Keep walking! Incense spawns more Pokémon while you’re moving! Even if you’re stuck at work where nothing spawns during the event window, popping some Incense could help you nab a shiny or two. Remember that “quick catching” your Incense spawns will still make them visible on the map after the catch.
Lure Modules
Lure modules placed during Community Day hours will last 3-hours long. Playing in an area with a lot of stops will allow you access to a lot more spawns too. Remember to bring more if you intend to hit Four-Star raids to artificially extend the Community Day spawns beyond the normal window.
Glacial, Mossy, Rainy, and Magnetic lures roughly double the amount of lured spawns, with half of the spawns coming from a specific list and half coming from the biome, which should be taken over during Community Day. Because of this, using a new, upgraded Lure Module quickly becomes worthwhile during CD’s 3-hour lure bonus.
These lures can bring rarer catches including some evolved forms with bonus Stardust, but you may want to still focus on the feature Pokemon spawns with their limited window exclusive moveset and increased shiny chance.
PRO-TIP: Use a new Lure at 4:59. It will still last 3 hours and you can catch a few Pokemon while you evolve and trade Axew. You won’t be able to lure anything Lured during Community Day, but there's usually a few unlured Pokestops, hopefully ones in air conditioning or with comfortable seating. This may not be possible in urban and extreme rural playing without a lot of communication.
0-6 Lucky Eggs
Community Day can be a great time to coordinate Friendship level ups for both players to egg and receive double XP as it’s likely you’ll both be playing. Even for events that don’t sport an XP bonus, it still may be worth using an egg or two due to the sheer volume of catches. Remember to bring more if you intend to hit Four-Star raids to artificially extend the Community Day spawns beyond the normal window.
Berries and Great/Ultra Balls
It’s always a good idea to stock up before CD. The themed research “Catch 3 Axew” can be easily accomplished to help keep the Pokeballs flowing during the event. So it may not be necessary to stock up beforehand in all areas. Active Pokemon from Lures and Incense can also deplete your resources. Players low on resources should remember to always open daily gifts and to upgrade item bag storage as soon as possible. It is an investment that quickly pays for itself, especially if you’re able to occasionally grind and stock up on items.
Saving Incubators
One of the best uses in the game for paid Incubators is Community Day events featuring 10km hatchable Pokemon. During some CDs, the featured Pokemon was obtainable via eggs at an increased rate. Because of this, it’s generally best to save Incubators for events that feature reduced hatch distance.
Before Community Day Starts
Here are a few other things to keep in mind right before Community Day starts for making the most of the granted bonuses.
- If coordinating Lucky Egg friendships, encourage your friends to egg and advance friendships before the event starts. This allows you to focus on catching once the featured Pokemon start spawning!
- Existing spawns can change to the featured Pokemon. Clicking on Pokemon to catch or even just to shiny check will prevent them from turning into the featured Pokemon. It’s fine though to check for shinies you don’t yet have. If you want to focus heavily on the featured Pokemon, avoid clicking on spawns as Community Day is about to begin. Catch them with Community Day bonuses active instead!
- You can only complete research from each stop once daily. If you complete a task at a given stop, you cannot receive the “Catch 3” task from that stop during Community Day. Occasionally, receiving the task from a stop will lock it into its non-CD task.
Now, with those in mind, there is still room for choice. If you’ll be playing all Community Day then you might not care about one spawn point here and there, and catching weather boosted Machop or shiny checking a Wailmer may be worth it to you. Likewise, you may not find it necessary to fill your inventory with Community Day eggs.
During Community Day, Research Tasks are changed to “Catch 3 Axew”, and the rewards are generally the following:
- 500 Stardust.
- 2 Ultra Balls.
- 5 Great Balls.
- 2 Pinap Berries.
- Axew encounter
- 1 Golden Razzberry
This allows you to not stress about Research during the event and concentrate on catching. It also means that Trainers can rest easy knowing that Community Day itself will help provide them with additional Pinaps, Ultra Balls, and Great Balls! There are a few additional things to keep in mind as far as how this functioned last Community Day;
- Research from each stop can only be completed once each day. If you complete a task at a given stop, you cannot receive the “Catch 3” task from that stop.
- Tasks revert to their pre-CD tasks when CD is over but you cannot receive research from Stops where you completed “Catch 3” or the original research.
- Because of this, you may decide to skip over stops during CD that you know give desirable research (from Discord, Facebook, etc.) or complete them before CD starts.
- Many players may do the opposite, choosing not to complete Research in areas they know they will be during CD for easy rewards.
- Check to see if you have completed the Research Task of a given Pokestop by the indicator in the top right corner of a Pokestop
Community Day Raids
Players should be on the lookout for raid groups that may be hunting down Fraxure Raids after the event ends. This four-star raid can potentially be soloed with the top Dragon counters, and is an easy duo even with sub-optimal counters. Catches have a 10-IV base, meaning you have higher than normal odds of finding a high-IV Community Day Pokemon from these raids while also saving a bit of candy due to not having to evolve an Axew.
Remember that beating a Fraxure raid will basically extend Community Day for 30 minutes around the gym that the Fraxure had control over, with enhanced Axew spawns/an increased Shiny chance. In this regard, it's possible to extend Community Day greatly by hitting up these raids.
For this portion of the event, try to find an area that has a lot of gyms in order to not only increase the odds of finding a Fraxure raid and also give a chance to have overlapping ranges for more Axew spawns.
Exclusive Move Analysis : Breaking Swipe
Haxorus has long had some very real potential as a Dragon Type attacker, but it's been held back by its lackluster Charged Move options, leaving it in the dust compared to the traditional top Dragons that we've long had available in Pokemon Go. Well, those days are now over, as Breaking Swipe is arguably the strongest generally available Dragon Type Charged Move in the game. Sure, Outrage has the higher potential performance, but Breaking Swipe is very comparable and is exceptionally easy to use. Remember the old debates of Outrage Vs. Draco Meteor? Well, the same argument applies here
Image Source: The Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet
Haxorus isn't going to break the Dragon meta with Breaking Swipe, but it's set to sit one step down from Salamence, which is definitely a nice place to sit, all things considered. However, these numbers are a bit deceptive, as Haxorus will have a substantially easier time dodging thanks to Breaking Swipe's insanely short damage window, so it may surpass Salamence in terms of TDO if used by a trainer that knows how to properly dodge.
To top all of this off, Haxorus may have some PvP utility as well, so the news just keeps getting better and better for this axe-dragon.
In short, June 10 is Christmas for Haxorus and it's getting pretty much everything on its wishlist. The only reasonable ways to make it better would be to give it a Shadow forme and release what was basically its signature move in the main series, Dual Chop, as a move that's even more broken than Breaking Swipe.
Setting Goals
Determine how many of the featured Pokemon you want this Community Day and plan accordingly as far as resources and acquiring high IV individuals goes. Set goals and pay attention to how much candy you earn. Keeping track can help you determine play patterns for future CDs.
As mentioned previously, especially if your CD availability is low, try to score some trades with local players leading up to CD and make use of the Lucky friend feature to help maximize your odds of getting a high-IV individual.
Set goals based on previous Community Days as a benchmark. Use this to let you know how aggressively you need to hunt and Pinap, as well as how many high IV options to target.
Trade Advice
Coordinating with a Lucky Friend during CD can allow you to swap a day 1 shiny Pokemon to reroll IVs. Coordinating with multiple Lucky friends can allow you to reroll a few for IVs, though you can only do two special trades on Community Day.
Here are some additional features to keep in mind about trading:
- Swapping a Shiny will count as a Special Trade
- Pick a trade partner you have high friendship with. IV floor increases with friendship tier.
Good Friendship - 1/1/1 IV floor
Great Friendship - 2/2/2 IV floor
Ultra Friendship - 3/3/3 IV floor
Best Friendship - 5/5/5 IV floor - Pokemon caught farther than 10km (6.21 mi) apart award 2 candy when traded.
- Lucky Pokemon have an IV floor of 12/12/12.
The Technicals
The featured Pokemon will likely have its Base Catch Rate changed to 40% as we have seen with previous CD spawns.
Here are the breakdowns for players with a Gold Grass badge. These calculations also assume maximum radius Great! throws. Your ability to reliably throw into smaller bonus radiuses may also increase throughout the day, increasing your catch rate.
- Levels 1-7 have an 89% chance or higher to be caught with a curved Poke Ball Great! Throw.
- Level 12 and below have a 90% chance or higher to be caught with a curved Great Ball Great! Throw.
- Level 20 and below have a 90% chance or higher to be caught with a curved Ultra Ball Great! Throw.
- Searching “4*” will display all perfect Pokemon. Searching “4*&Axew” will display all perfect Axew. 4* and sorting by recent should also suffice.
While it’s true that Haxorus isn’t quite game-breaking in any meta now that it has Breaking Swipe, this is still a powerful and rare Pokemon that’s worth adding to your collection, especially given the fact that it has one of the better Shiny formes in the whole of Pokemon, and the bonuses are nice as well. While this isn’t a make-or-break Community Day, it’s definitely worth hitting up, if only to work on your Dragon medal if you haven’t maxed it out yet. New players in particular should definitely take to this one, as Haxorus could be hugely useful for countering the plethora of Legendary Dragons in the absence of the top-tier options.
Using the tips above, hopefully this will turn out to be a great Community Day for all who join in the festivities. As always, it’s important to be prepared, but a bit of spontaneity and making quick changes to your plans can result in new adventures and experiences. Don’t forget to be aware of the world around you not just for your safety, but also for the sake of creating memories this Community Day, and we hope that everything goes perfectly for all of our readers!