
Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day

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Article by Brian Tein

The last month of the Season of Go is sneaking up on us, and with it comes a new Community Day. As we sneak ever closer to the big Ultra Unlock of the season, it appears that a hint of the Galar region is making itself known once again, as Galarian Zigzagoon prepares to take center-stage. So what will the summer day featuring this rock-star of a Pokemon bring? Let's take a look.

August 13, 2022
Event Start Event End
11:00 a.m. local time 2:00 p.m. local time
Time Until Start
  • Galarian Zigzagoon will spawn en-masse and with an increased Shiny rate
  • Evolve Galarion Linoone into Obstagoon during event hours and up to five hours after to obtain an Obstaoon that knows Obstruct
  • 3x Catch Stardust
  • 2x Catch Candy
  • 3-hour Incense and Lure Modules
  • +1 Special Trade for the day
  • 50% Stardust discount on trades
  • 2x chance for XL Candy for trainers Lv.31+
  • Zigzagoon Photobombs will be available
  • A $1 Special Research line titled "Field Notes: Galarian Zigzagoon" will be available in the shop

Bonus Raids

A special set of Four-Star raids that can only be attempted in-person will be available featuring Galarian Linoone. Completing one of these raids will allow additional Galarian Zigzagoon to spawn around the gym for 30 minutes, even after the event ends.

Timed Research

A special timed research line will be available to all player from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time. During this time, players will be takes with catching a total of 100 Galarian Zigzagoon in order to receive a special set of avatar items*

*: These items will be available in the shop after the event.

Full Announcement

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About the Author(s)

Gamepress Pokemon Go site lead with a focus on theorycrafting and gameplay optimization and a background in business management and freelance writing.  A bit of a hermit, but also an outdoors enthusiast who loves cycling and hiking. Long-time Gamepress fan who is very proud to be a part of the team.
