Basic Info
Drastically increased spawns for the Pokemon Mudkip
The release of Shiny Mudkip
Obtainable from catches and hatches
An increased Shiny rate (roughly 1 in 24.5) during Community Day hours
Themed Field Research “Catch 3 Mudkip” for balls, berries, and Stardust
3-hour Lures
3x Catch XP
All Marshtomp evolved during Community Day hours learn the currently exclusive move Hydro Cannon
Charged TMs and learning a New Move will not give you this exclusive move
Must evolve a Marshtomp during CD in your region (or up to an hour after)
Date | Sunday, July 21st |
Time |
4:00PM to 7:00PM in your local time zone. Exclusive move available till 8:00PM |
Get Ready for Community Day Overview!
Don’t forget to also prepare for the real weather and everything that comes along with that. Keep your real bag fully upgraded and, depending on the weather, make sure to bring along a jacket, rain poncho, water, sunscreen, as well as lunch, snacks, water, medical necessities, battery packs, fully charged devices, comfortable shoes, other protective gear, and water again, for good measure. Community Day is a full 4 hours, so pace yourself and take breaks to not get burnt out.
Most importantly, keep it fun!
This guide will cover all of the in-game knowledge you’ll need to make the most out of Mudkip Community Day.
Before the Event
- Decide where to play
- Get your items ready
- Acquire Mudkip and Mudkip Candy
- Set reminder alarms
During the Event
- Check out key reminders for CD mechanics
- Analysis for CD sale box added (as soon as its in the shop)
- Review the Exclusive Move analysis
- Set goals accordingly
- Know when to Pinap and which balls to use
After the Event
Use the IV search string and quick appraising tips- New Appraisal Tips!
- Find a trading partner
- Evolve your Pokemon
- Start preparing for the next event! (Shadow Pokemon?)
Where to Play
Mudkip spawns will be dramatically increased everywhere during the duration of this event. You aren’t required to play anywhere specifically, but here are some tips for getting the most out of the location you choose.
Time Travel
Since this event is 4-7PM based on local time, By playing near a timezone shift, players in some parts of the world can take advantage by starting an hour earlier or ending an hour later. Start East then make your way West sometime after the first hour. This shouldn’t affect most players but can be a nice bonus to players willing to travel a little more during CD. Remember to stay West as you evolve for the exclusive move.
Exploring the Community
Use Community Day, and Pokemon Go in general, as an excuse to explore local areas. If you’re blessed with multiple, good locations, make use of them throughout various Community Days!
Playing with Friends
Community Day should be about the community, both the area and your local PoGo Players. Get together with friends, find your local group using PokeNav, or be the first in your area to create a group. If you see other trainers in your gyms, that means there’s others out there playing! More trainers means more fun, and Lure Modules appear for all players, so you can all share the increased spawns. Returning and new players- ask around and figure out where established players are planning to play!
Gyms for Raids
Players should be focused on catching this CD, but playing near gyms may lead to easy raid completion before or after the event, while everyone is already out.
Clusters and Lures
If you want to catch the most Mudkip, focus on cluster spawns in areas with lots of network traffic such as parking lots and apartment complexes and high Pokestop dense areas that can be easily Lured up.
Pursuing weather-boosted Mudkip will grant you higher CP Mudkip so it’s advised to hunt in forecasted Rainy areas. This comes with it decreased catch rates but is offset in Stardust gained and saved from catching weather boosted Pokemon. Pay attention to official weather reports as well as other trainers playing in different level 11 S2 cells (in-game weather boundaries).
Weather boosted Pokemon have an IV floor of 4/4/4. This means their IV spreads are more likely to be better for PvE, but likely impossible to have ideal IV for PvP.
Note About Nests
Since Swinub Community Day in February, nesting spawns stopped or are at least extremely dulled during CD hours. Every Community Day is slightly different in regards to spawn rates but it is worth noting that players can likely visit nests and not worry about diluted Mudkip spawns.
Items to Bring

0-6 Incense
Having 6 Incense will let you crack open one every 30 minutes and make it last the entirety of the event. How many Incense you choose to use depends on availability, meta-relevancy, and rarity of the featured Pokemon. 25 Incense can be purchased in bulk for 1250 in the Shop (50 each) at any time for those looking at an alternative to various Legacy Special Boxes. 25 Incense is enough for 4 Community Days and an extra to spare.
Keep walking! Incense spawns more Pokémon while you’re moving! Even if you’re stuck at work where nothing spawns during the event window, popping some Incense could help you nab a shiny or two. Remember that “quick catching” your Incense spawns will still make them visible on the map after the catch.
Lure Modules
Lure modules placed during Community Day hours will last 3-hours long. Playing in an area with a lot of stops will allow you access to a lot more spawns too.
During meta-relevant CDs, many players will want to stick to normal Lure Modules, to increase the rates of the featured Pokemon.
This is generally considered a meta-relevant CD. Save those special Lures for another day!
On off-meta Community Days, Glacial, Mossy, and Magnetic Lure Modules may be a great option. These lures spawn more evolved and uncommon Pokemon. They also allow you to evolve Glaceon, Leafeon, and Probopass and Magnezone respectively. While a few of these won't hurt anyone in an area with a lot of PokeStops, think twice before placing these in an area with only a few PokeStops. Many players will still prefer the traditional Lure Modules on CD, but it’s hard to deny the value of a specialized lure lasting 6 times as long.
PRO-TIP: Use a new Lure at 5:59. It will still last 3 hours and you can catch a few Pokemon while you evolve and trade Mudkip. You won’t be able to lure anything Lured during Community Day, but there's usually a few unlured Pokestops, hopefully ones in air conditioning or with comfortable seating. This may not be possible in urban and extreme rural playing without a lot of communication.
0-1 Lucky Egg
Community Day can be a great time to coordinate Friendship level ups for both players to egg and receive double XP as it’s likely you’ll both be playing. Make sure to coordinate with your friends as it is usually easier to plan for level ups in the minutes before Community Day starts so that the actual event can be spent catching.
Berries and Great/Ultra Balls
It’s always a good idea to stock up before CD. The themed research “Catch 3 Mudkip” can be easily accomplished to help keep the Pokeballs flowing during the event. So it may not be necessary to stock up beforehand in all areas. Active Pokemon from Lures and Incense can also deplete your resources. Players low on resources should remember to always open 20 daily gifts and to upgrade item bag storage as soon as possible. It is an investment that quickly pays for itself, especially if you’re able to occasionally grind and stock up on items.
Do You Like Mudkips?
Mudkip is currently unavailable in raids and research. It is an uncommon wild spawn except when Rain weather boosted.
Mudkip is currently available through hatching 2km Eggs
Mudkip is currently a nesting species. Nests will not rotate again before Community Day so check the Nest Atlas and visit a Mudkip nest before CD if you’ll be low on time this weekend!
Before Community Day Starts

Here are a few other things to keep in mind right before Community Day starts for making the most of the granted bonuses.
Existing spawns can change to Mudkip. Clicking on Pokemon to catch or even just to shiny check will prevent them from turning into Mudkip. It’s fine to check for shinies you don’t yet have, but you might as well just catch the Pokemon at that point too. If you want to catch the most Mudkip, avoid clicking on spawns as Community Day is about to begin.
You can only complete research from each stop once daily. If you complete a task at a given stop, you cannot receive the “Catch 3” task from that stop during Community Day. Occasionally, receiving the task from a stop will lock it into its non-CD task.
Now, with those in mind, there is still room for choice. If you’ll be playing all Community Day then you might not care about one spawn point here and there, and catching weather boosted Machop or shiny checking a Wailmer may be worth it to you.
Use this time before the event starts to prep; spin stops, transfer Pokemon, open gifts (and level up friendships), Raid, check-in, and obtain/give out Meltan boxes.
Set Alarms for Items and Evolving
Before the event, consider setting an alarm on your phone for various CD intervals to remind yourself to reapply premium items if you’re using them. There’s a lot to keep track of during Community Day between quick catching, shiny checking, appraising, and talking and catching up with friends! Setting some alerts the night before could potentially earn you thousands of Stardust you’d lose out on if you forgot to break a Star Piece.
During Community Day, Research Tasks are changed to “Catch 3 Mudkip” with the following rewards;
500 Stardust.
2 Ultra Balls.
5 Great Balls.
2 Pinap Berries.
This allows you to not stress about Research during the event and concentrate on catching. It also means that Trainers can rest easy knowing that Community Day itself will help provide them with additional Pinaps, Ultra Balls, and Great Balls! There are a few additional things to keep in mind as far as how this functioned last Community Day;
Research from each stop can only be completed once each day. If you complete a task at a given stop, you cannot receive the “Catch 3 Mudkip” task from that stop.
Tasks revert to their pre-CD tasks when CD is over but you cannot receive research from Stops where you completed “Catch 3 Mudkip” or the original research.
Because of this, you may decide to skip over stops during CD that you know give desirable research (from Discord, Facebook, etc.) or complete them before CD starts.
Many players may do the opposite, choosing not to complete Research in areas they know they will be during CD for easy rewards.
Check to see if you have completed the Research Task of a given Pokestop by the indicator in the top right corner of a Pokestop
What's in the Box?

Legacy Community Day Special Boxes have held a variety of supplies and are available shortly before the start of Community Day. A list of previous and current sales can be found on our Legacy Special Box list (as well as cost analysis breakdowns). June Community Day introduced Great and Ultra Boxes, amazing deals for an extremely limited time- but not all sales are created equal. This section will include a more thorough breakdown upon release of the Special Boxes in the Shop. Expect these boxes to appear around 4 PM Friday EST before CD. An analysis will be posted below when available and should disappear shortly after the last region's Community Day.
If there are no pre-existing boxes in the shop, expect 1-3 CD boxes. If there’s already a set of boxes in the shop, expect 0-1 new CD boxes.
- 30 Ultra Balls
- 3 Super Incubators
- 4 Star Piece
- 3 Lucky Eggs
3 Incubators for 480 coins is not a discount.
Adding in 4 Star Piece, this 26.15% discount ranks this box 30th on sales featuring just those two items. Weighing this against pass sales that also include Raid Passes, this ranking drops to 86th all time.
Move Analysis: Hydro Cannon and Muddy Water
Exclusive Move: Hydro Cannon
Without its exclusive move, Swampert always put up decent numbers for Water-type DPS. With Hydro Cannon, it blows all non-Legendary competition out of the water.
And the Legendary competition should also be sweating. Swampert’s DPS is high enough that it really does rival Kyogre. Players short on Rare Candy should definitely feel confident investing in Swampert. It may not be the best, but it does bring comparable numbers.
Swampert also brings a unique typing to the table. Because of this, it is no longer resistant to Water or Ice attacks but is now resistant to Rock, Poison, and Electric (which it was formerly weak) in addition to keeping Fire and Steel. Rock resistance is the big gain here as that’s one of the three types that Water-types want to be fighting. Swampert's Ground typing also gives it access to Mud Shot. While Water Gun is mostly better, in some breakpoint situations Mud Shot can make Swampert sim a second or two faster. Ground and Water share Fire and Rock as overlapping coverage.
Important to note, Swampert does take on a double Grass weakness with its typing. Most things already die to a Groudon’s Solar Beam, but Swampert will especially want to dodge that powerful coverage move. Overall, with an additional Rock resistance, Swampert’s typing is usually viewed as an upgrade over its Water-type competition. Trainers who’ve invested heavily in Gyrados will certainly find the typing complementary to their team, as Gyrados is weak to Rock-types with its typing.
Without diving too deep into potential future mechanics, it should be mentioned that Swampert does have a Mega evolution. While we can’t be sure how this will be implemented in Go, Swampert does have the ability to be even stronger in the future.
Additional Move Analysis: Muddy Water
Let’s not muddy the waters here. I’m putting as much effort into that pun as Niantic put into Muddy Water. This move is bad.
Sure, a 3-bar move is more energy-efficient, but Muddy Water will still be worse even than Surf, which is making some of us question if the move will receive a last-minute buff! If the move is buffed, don’t fret. It likely will not be a CD exclusive.
If a double move Blast Burn Blaze Kick Blaziken is a stretch, double moving a Swampert is a fully blown hyperextension.
Hydro Cannon: 90 Damage, 40 Energy, 2.25 DPE
Surf: 65 Damage, 40 Energy, 1.62 DPE
Muddy Water: 35 Damage, 35 Energy, 1.00 DPE
In PvP, Muddy Water has a 30% chance to lower the opponent’s Attack by 1 stage. While this will provide some utility, especially in losing matchups, or as a way to save 5 energy while shield baiting for Hydro Cannon, Hydro Cannon is so much more damage for only 5 more energy. Considering we’re talking about a Pokemon with Mud Shot, which has the highest Energy Per Turn in the game, this energy is much better spent on a powerful move like Hydro Cannon.
Swampert and PvP
Our preliminary analysis shows that Mud Shot + Hydro Cannon + Earthquake will be the optimal moveset in most PvP metas. Muddy Water looks like it won’t be making big waves here either. Swampert’s typing and moves already thrive in PvP where Hydro Cannon will again be a direct upgrade to Surf. Hydro Cannon over Surf won’t turn the tide in many matches but it is still an improvement. Swampert’s main threat in PvP comes from Razor Leaf users which will shred our doubly weak boi. Here’s how the Mud Fish Pokemon stacks up in all three leagues;
Great League: Marshtomp, Whiscash and Quagsire all function similarly with a better stat spread than Swampert. However, Hydro Cannon will do work towards making Swampert one of the top Ground+Water types to consider. There’s tradeoffs between these options though Swampert will tend to do better in low shield situations.
Ultra League: With superior stats, Swampert is the main Ground+Water type in this league, though Whiscash’s Blizzard makes it a formidable option too. It exists basically as a Steel counter that beats all the other Steel counters too.
Master League: Swampert is one of the best Pokemon in the Master League where Dialga (and to a lesser extent Melmetal) play a big role. Swampert is one of the top counters for these Pokemon, making it one of the best choices for this league. Grass’s presence in the league is also significantly less than the other two leagues.
Look for PvP-ready CPs
Finding Pokemon that can be evolved to be near the CP-cap in PvP leagues can save a lot of Stardust. Before evolving, consult a CP/IV calculator to confirm your Mudkip will stay below the CP thresholds. Looking for Mudkip with CP around or below these thresholds can be great for trainers interested in PvP with limited resources;
For Great League Marshtomp, look for Mudkip with CP 908-949 and below.
For Great League Swampert, look for Mudkip with CP 523-562 and below.
For Ultra League Swampert, look for Mudkip with CP 868-946 and below.
Setting Goals
Determine how many Swampert you want to evolve this Community Day and plan accordingly as far as resources and acquiring high IV Mudkip goes. Set goals and pay attention to how much candy you earn. Keeping track can help you determine play patterns for future CDs.
As mentioned previously, especially if your CD availability is low, swap Mudkip with local players leading up to CD and make use of the Lucky friend feature if your desperate and don’t want to wait till December to evolve them.
Set goals based on previous Community Days as a benchmark. Use this to let you know how aggressively you need to hunt and Pinap, as well as how many high IV options to target.
Each Swampert costs 123 Mudkip candy which is 31 catches + transfers or 18 catches w/ Pinaps + transfers. Maxing out a Pokemon will cost between 118-304 candy depending on the level (248 for level 20 Pokemon). Evolving and Powering Up a full team (with average level 20) will cost 2227 candy. This can be accomplished with 382 Pinap catches + transfers or 557 catches + transfers. Adjust your goals to make the most out of your Mudkip candy. However, you only have to evolve them today, not power them up. You can continue to earn Mudkip candy after the event to Power Up for evolved Swampert!
As noted in “Looking Forward” evolving extra Shiny Mudkip with the exclusive move may make great future trades with Lucky Friends.
Making Trades
You (probably) have until 1 hour after the event ends to IV check, trade, and evolve for the exclusive moveset. Set alarms and keep track of how long different activities take you so you can be better prepared for future CD events.
When picking a trading partner, there are now three different options to consider each with their own benefits.
Play Community Day with your trading partner.
Catch the same spawns (for even trades) and split the role of IV checking
Can start trading even before CD ends
Play 10km (6.21 mi) distance from your trading partner.
1 additional candy per trade.
Trade with a Lucky Friend!
Obviously this will can a combination of one of the previous two options. Coordinating with a Lucky Friend during CD can allow you to swap a day 1 shiny Mudkip to reroll IVs. Coordinating with multiple Lucky friends can allow you to reroll a few for IVs, though you can only do one special trade each day.
Here are some additional features to keep in mind about trading:
Players are limited to 100 trades + 1 special trade per day. This is reset after your phone goes past midnight.
Swapping a Shiny will count as a Special Trade and can also be done once daily.
Pick a trade partner you have high friendship with. IV floor increases with friendship tier.
Good Friendship - 1/1/1 IV floor
Great Friendship - 2/2/2 IV floor
Ultra Friendship - 3/3/3 IV floor
Best Friendship - 5/5/5 IV floor -
Pokemon caught farther than 10km (6.21 mi) apart award 2 candy when traded.
Lucky Pokemon have an IV floor of 12/12/12. Read more about Lucky Pokemon here
The Technicals: Catch Rate and IV Checking
Mudkip will likely have its Base Catch Rate changed to 40% as we have seen with previous CD spawns.
Our easy-to-use catch rate calculator can be found here if you’d like to do your own calculations. Here are the breakdowns for players with a Gold Fire badge. These calculations also assume maximum radius Great! throws. Your ability to reliably throw into smaller bonus radiuses may also increase throughout the day, increasing your catch rate.
Mudkip levels 1-7 have an 89% chance or higher to be caught with a curved Poke Ball Great! Throw. Poke Ball Pinap anything under 173 CP and consider up to 220CP.
Mudkip level 12 and below have a 90% chance or higher to be caught with a curved Great Ball Great! Throw. Great Ball Pinap anything under 304CP and consider up to 386 CP.
Mudkip level 20 and below have a 90% chance or higher to be caught with a curved Ultra Ball Great! Throw. Ultra Ball Pinap anything under 507 CP and consider up to 644 CP. Even a level 35 Mudkip has an 82% chance to be caught per throw using a curved Great! Throw Ultra Ball, allowing for proficient throwers to utilize Pinap berries every throw. Consider not quick-catching Mudkip above 644 CP or using a Razz Berry while doing so.
Throwing with no bonus will eat through your resources faster making it worthwhile to learn how to consistently throw Great! Throws (+ video link) The following will result in a 90% catch rate with curveballs and no throw bonus:
Poke Ball Mudkip levels 1-4 (93-118 CP and below)
Great Ball Mudkip levels 8 and below (200-254 CP and below)
Ultra Ball Mudkip levels 13 and below (318-406 CP and below)
Ultra Ball Razz Berry Mudkip levels 25 and below (634-805 CP and below). Great Ball Golden Razz Berries can be used on higher level Mudkip to ensure a 90% catch rate per throw.
The following string can help you quickly check for any perfect IV Mudkip;
Pokemon with these CP values are not guaranteed to be 100% IV but this could help you narrow that search.
*New!* If your app is updated (likely forced before CD) searching “4*” will display all perfect Pokemon. Searching “4*&mudkip”, ”4*&258”, or “4*&+mudkip” will display all perfect Mudkip. 4* and sorting by recent should also suffice. More tips on using the new appraisal system to its fullest can be found in the below section New Appraisal Tips.
For mass IV checking, the simplest tip is to sort by CP (or #, which also sorts by CP) and look at one species at a time. From there, scroll through, highest to lowest, looking at Pokemon levels. You can quickly check a Pokemon’s level by how much Star Dust it would cost to power up. This cost is halved for Lucky Pokemon. For example:
35 - 8000
34/33 - 7000
32/31 - 6000
30/29 - 5000
28/27 - 4500
26/25 - 4000
These values can be used to determine high-level Pokemon at a quick glance.
New Appraisal Tips
Many Pokemon IVs can now be quickly viewed using the new visual IV system. It should be feasible to scan all Mudkip within the 1-hour timeframe to scan for optimal IVs. But what should you look for while IV scanning?
For PvE (and Master League PvP), you’ll want to sort by CP, search “3*” and save any with 15 Attack IV. Rename them in a way you can easily recognize without having to check again. Consult your set goals and Mudkip candy. If you need more with high IVs, consider repeating this process and looking for 14 Attack IV or searching “2*”. If you have more than your set goals, trim from the worst you’ve selected.
For PvP, optimal IV sets will almost all be 1* options. 2* will contain some ideal IVs as well though 1* will be better on average as that allows for 0 attack IV combinations. Scanning the search range "1*,2*" for low attack and high defense and stamina will allow you to look for ideal PvP IVs. Remember to look below the previously specified IV caps from the section “Look for PvP-ready CPs”. Consult with a CP calculator to verify the Pokemon will evolve under the cap. Some trainers may also chose to skip IV checking during this step or/and evolve shiny Pokemon. Evolve extra below CP caps for future trade fodder.
Then trade any Pokemon you haven’t marked as favorites. Leave yourself time to evolve at the end of this process. Searching “Traded” or sorting by new can allow you to easily view your new Pokemon. Compare these to your previously selected best options. Consider evolving any Lucky Pokemon for a huge dust discount. After evolving to satisfy your goals, evolve extra Mudkip with high CP, below PvP caps, or shiny for future trade fodder. Remember to save some candy if you wish to Power Up some Swampert too!
Quick Appraising (old)
Note: We may have a new appraisal system before the start of CD. It’s currently in early rollout stages. If that is delayed/rolled back, you may still want to know this method.
As you’re scrolling, IV check Pokemon until you find something with a lower Stardust cost. You can filter out, rename, or transfer any Pokemon with a high level and a low CP found this way. These Pokemon will have lower IVs. That means they may make for battle-ready attackers but will have lower battle potential when powered up. Such options can be great for saving Stardust.
For example, let’s start by scrolling through a species and checking all of our level 30, 5k dust Pokemon. Now, as soon as we scroll to a Pokemon requiring 4500 dust, we know any 5k dust Pokemon will have lower IV. We can skip those and only check 4500 dust options. When we see our first Pokemon that requires 4k dust to power up, we know that any 5k or 4500 dust Pokemon will be lower IV and can skip those again.
It is also worthwhile to develop a naming system that you can easily recognize. Use a symbol, letter, or word to designate Pokemon for trading. Abbreviate key appraisal phrases in a way you can remember so you know which to IV check and don’t appraise the same Pokemon multiple times. After using an IV calculator for key Pokemon, remember to rename (so you can decide what to evolve), transfer, or just evolve the Pokemon.
Let others know about high IV and CP Mudkip you find. It’s about community after all, so pay attention to local chats where others may share high IV finds and help grow your community too by sharing your finds.
Looking Forward
When Mudkip’s Community Day is over, there are still plenty of opportunities to get good Swampert with the exclusive move through trading. Evolving extra Swampert can be a great idea to attempt to trade with friends afterward for high IV rerolls.
Lucky Friendship is a total game-changer for exclusive movesets. Interacting with Best Friends can now create Lucky Friendships! This will make your next trade a guaranteed Lucky! One of the best uses for these trades will be shiny Pokemon, rare Pokemon, and Pokemon with exclusive legacy movesets. CD brings all three! For this reason, evolving extra shiny Mudkip gives you the perfect Lucky Trade fodder. Encourage your Best Friends to do the same.
Using up all your Mudkip candy on evolutions gives you an additional incentive to catch future Mudkip, which will then allow you to power them up and unlock additional moves.
It’s not too late to find some high IV Mudkip too. Whether it be Mudkip in your collection you didn’t notice/have the time to evolve during CD or new ones you catch, December is likely to have another CD weekend where exclusive moves become available again. If you don’t manage to find a good Mudkip worthy of your Stardust this weekend, evolve some anyways, attempt some lucky trades (on evolved and unevolved), keep looking, and evolve some in December! Note: This event is not confirmed for December, it's just what happened in 2018.
Looming Shadows
Whatever your goals, this is a CD you do not want to skip. Some may be catching their first Mudkip, evolving their first Swampert, or just filling out their Water raiding team. Whatever your collection, Swampert is an amazing Pokemon to add to your Raid Party. The PvP inclined will also want to max a Swampert for the Master League meaning even those with teams of maxed Kyogre can get something out of this CD.
Community Day has also been a time for Niantic to experiment and launch new features and Pokemon. Multiple Community Days have seen firsts for Pokemon Go and this CD may be similar. Text datamined from the code has found references to Team Rocket and purification/shadow Pokemon. While we have no idea what this may mean for Go, Mudkip does look to be a featured Pokemon. All we can do for now is wait- and also use this event to stock up on some Mudkip candy!