Requires specific high level counters or weather boost
HP | 9,000 | ATK | 168.27 | DEF | 214.88 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 1636 - 1714 | Lvl 25 | 2045 - 2143 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Snow, Windy, Partly Cloudy | Cloudy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Iron Tail | Intermediate |
Dragon Tail | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Stone Edge | Easy |
Thunder | Intermediate |
Heavy Slam | Challenging |
Originally Aggron was one of the toughest duos in the game, with only a handful of trainers on the planet completing it. The raid required weather boost, maxed champs, and great RNG. With the introduction of Friendship & the CP rebalance, Aggron got significantly easier and became beatable without
boost. Now with the type effectiveness change, this duo offers little to now challenge, even if trainers try to win with 12 unique Pokemon.
Team composition
Machamp & Breloom are best
Many other Pokemon with fighting moves are viable
Groudon becomes the best counter in Clear weather
Occasionally you may need to re-enter. Make sure that at least one trainer is battling Aggron at all times so it does not regenerate health
A second team is recommended as max reviving is too slow
Dodging strategy
Dodging is no longer needed
Be aware of the dodge glitch death loop when dodging
Video Guide
Best Raid Boss Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Earthquake | Best |
Current Tier 5 boss at time of publication. Weather boosted version can step in at level 25
Heavy Slam is difficult at lower levels… though not much of an issue after level 30

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Dynamic Punch | Best |
Karate Chop | Dynamic Punch | Best |
Best counter. Slightly slower than Breloom, but better bulk gives it a chance to survive without re-entry
Widely available. Common in some biomes, featured in events, and a long standing Tier 3 boss
Heavy Slam is difficult at lower levels.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Dynamic Punch | Best |
Bulk gives it a better chance of survival at lower levels.
Widely available in some biomes
Heavy Slam still is difficult at lower levels.
Slower than Machamp or Breloom

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Close Combat | Best |
Excellent typing vs Aggron. Very strong Heavy Slam option (level 35+)
Difficult to obtain at time of publication

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Earthquake | Best |
Many players have Rhydon powered previously that can become Rhyperior
Heavy Slam is a huge problem even at level 40 due to Rock typing.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Dynamic Punch | Best |
Higher DPS than Machamp. Is a very good option to use one or two
Will almost always require re-entry vs Heavy Slam al lower levels

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Close Combat | Best |
While fast enough, Primeape is very fragile. Two teams of 6 would need to re-enter
It can still be solid filler